Family Life / Mummy Talk

Mother’s Day: What do you want?

This coming Sunday, the 11th March 2018 is Mother’s Day in the UK. Whereas the rest of the world will be celebrating on the 13th May. (Yay! Double celebrations for us, right?) Anyway, as the rest of UK sings about how great a mother’s love is, declaring their love and appreciation on facebook et al and sending her flowers, chocolates and making eggs and soldiers. What will you be doing and what does Mother’s day mean to you?

To me, Mother’s Day is about… Appreciation and Learning to be Selfish.


There are many ways you can show your appreciation, personally, nothing says appreciation more than handmade, crafted goodies! I handmake so many things for my family that now thinking of it, I really want something made for me too! I remember S handmaking my first Christmas present just less than 2 months after we started dating. Although it hasn’t survived through the years, it is still something I will never forget. If crafting is not his thing, even just personalising something boring like a plate with my son’s handprint would probably end up being framed by yours truly! Not only would this show me how much my family loves me, but the thought and effort behind it. This definitely beats a home cooked meal or breakfast in bed anyday! Although I wouldn’t mind that either!

Oh, and please don’t forget the stupid card! That stupid little card WITH a few personal words acknowledges how hard a mother’s job is. So don’t be lazy and don’t just sign the bottom of the card. Try to write something meaningful to the woman who has done more for her children than anyone in the world.

Don’t ask, Listen

Chances are if you ask a mum what she wants for Mother’s Day, she will probably say “nothing“. So listen to what she’s saying on a daily basis, try to pick up on her wants and needs. Is it having a kid’s free day, spa date with the girls or just a private toilet session and long hot uninterrupted bath? Sound’s like mama needs a break! On the other hand, you may have some mama’s who just can’t bear to be apart from her cubs, so respect the fact that she might actually want to spend more time together than apart. Especially if the kids have all grown up and moved out. Obviously, I only have a little boy just shy of 3 years old. But if you haven’t noticed, I love spending time with my little monster. So why not plan an activity you can all enjoy together? Even if it’s something simple like baking cookies, crafting or scooting to the local park for a picnic she hasn’t had to prepare.

Remember: As long as it’s hassle free and doesn’t involve any thought, preparation or cleaning from mum, that’s a winner already!

Mother's Day: What do you want?

Learning to be Selfish

So, why would this day of expressing your love to this amazing woman be about selfishness? This is because, too many times when you ask a new mum what their Mother’s Day wish is? It usually revolves around their offsprings. “I wish my child can have a happy and healthy life” or “There’s nothing I wish for, my son/daughter has already provided me with so much happiness.” Mum’s are selfless creatures by default. And there’s nothing wrong with that, we should all be grateful and gracious, that’s what we want to teach our kids. But life as a mum also means:

  • Thinking about your family first and yourself last (every single bloody time). Check.
  • Sailing through every single sniffle and cough even when you’re as sick as a dog yourself. Check.
  • Meet every single task and deadline thrown at you.
      • Getting kids ready for school and activities on time. Check.
      • Making nutritious and delicious meals. Check.
      • Being their emotional and physical coach. Check.
      • Homework, yes, even an almost 3 year old toddler has homework. Check.
      • Relationship building. Check.
      • Mediator. Check.
      • Etcetcetc.

This is a 24/7 on the call job that you can never give up or quit. So mummies, give yourself a break, be a little selfish this Mother’s Day and put yourself first, even if it’s just for a couple of hours. Please share with me what you would like this Mother’s day in the comments below 🙂

Thanks for reading and until next time…

Love, MsmMamaBean x

3 Little ButtonsTammymum

Featured on MovingBabies


6 March 2018 at 2:20 pm

We’re going out for lunch on Mothers Day which is great as it means no cooking for me for a change, but just a little bit of husband thinking ahead and getting children dressed, teeth brushed etc without me prompting him to do it would be refreshing! #familyfunlinky

6 March 2018 at 4:12 pm

I definitely agree that moms should take time for themselves to relax and enjoy mother’s day however they’d like to and put themselves first for a change!

6 March 2018 at 6:22 pm

I am a mom of two little boys and it is the hardest job in the world!!! Some days I am so tired. I think that women in general are amazing humans so a day to be appreciated, pampered and relax just a little bit is a must need. Happy Mother’s Day to YOU!

6 March 2018 at 6:54 pm

My goal this year has been to be more “selfish” and carve out time for me. I can already feel an improvement on my life!

7 March 2018 at 4:34 am

I didn’t realize the UK celebrated Mother’s Day in March! I agree—spend your day relaxing or doing what YOU want, it’s YOUR day!


7 March 2018 at 4:48 am

Such great advice to listen to what your mom says each day and getting her a Mother’s Day gift accordingly! Mom’s can be hard to shop for sometimes.

7 March 2018 at 3:21 pm

Great tip to listen to what Mom says on a daily basis. I know my Mom always says she doesn’t want anything, but I can usually pick up on a thing or two that she mentions casually!

    12 March 2018 at 9:22 am

    It makes it so much easier to buy when you listen, right? Seems like an obvious point, but a lot of times we’re just there and not actually listening 😝

7 March 2018 at 7:32 pm

I didn’t know it was celebrated on a different day in the UK, how neat! I hope it’s a lovely day for all!

    12 March 2018 at 9:24 am

    Hi Tara, yes, Mother’s Day in the U.K. is celebrated on a different day than the rest of the world because this day actually originated from a long time ago when workers etc were allowed to return to their “mothering” church/home to celebrate, rather than as a day of appreciation and love for mothers. Nonetheless, it has evolved into a day celebrating motherhood in general.

7 March 2018 at 11:09 pm

As a single mother of three, I have always cherished spending quality down time being engaged with my kids on mother’s day. The only thing I ask for is that everyone had a fun day, and we have had some of the best memories made in that day! You captured the true meaning of it here, well done dear! ❤️

8 March 2018 at 12:32 pm

I’m spending the day with my sister and all our our kids. We lost our mum last year so just spending the day together and cooking a family meal together will be lovely. Enjoy your mother’s day.

9 March 2018 at 9:34 am

hey dear,
Great information,i really like your post and so useful for me.keep up and thanks to writer for awesome sharing.. 🙂 🙂

    12 March 2018 at 9:21 am

    Thank you so much for your kind words Lukhi! It really means a lot to new bloggers like me! 😊 if I could achieve just a slice of success for my readers, that’s already given me the motivation to do more!

10 March 2018 at 7:43 pm

This is all so true. I love a handmade gift and card, it means so much more and doesn’t have to be anything complicated. This year I just want to have a nice day out together, maybe head to the seaside for some fresh air. We’re all feeling a bit ill tonight though so we may have to cancel that one. If we do have to stay in a long soak in the bath with a good book will be top of my list.
Thank you for joining the #FamilyFunLinky x

11 March 2018 at 10:06 pm

Happy Mother’s Day! I hope you had a lovely day. I think shopping for a mum is super easy… and like you said, you just have to notice of what’s going on to be able to figure something out. I’m pretty sure most mums would love a bit of me time, and a bit of easy going family time (where they are not doing the entertaining or feeding of the ranks). Thanks for sharing with the #DreamTeam x

1 July 2018 at 5:37 pm

Sorry for late. Hi Tara, yes, Mother’s Day in the U.K. is celebrated on a different day than the rest of the world because this day actually originated from a long time ago when workers etc were allowed to return to their “mothering” church/home to celebrate, rather than as a day of appreciation and love for mothers. Nonetheless, it has evolved into a day celebrating motherhood in general.

Let me know what you think!

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