Fashion/Beauty / Love

Batiste Blow Dry Accelerator – Reclaim Your Time!

I usually let my hair air dry, because it’s such a pain the butt blow drying it! It takes FOREVER. And really, I have better things to do than sit around blowing hot air on my head for 20-30 minutes every single time. However, I have been thinking for a while that I need some sort of heat protection and smoothing applicator as my hair dries out quite easily. Although I haven’t been plagued with split ends, I am intending to dye my hair in the very near future. If you have been following me on Instagram (and why wouldn’t you?!), you would know that the lovely people at TRND sent me a full sized bottle of Batiste Blow Dry Accelerator to try! Here’s how I got on:


The packaging is in line with Batiste’s other products, like their dry shampoos, they look fun and fresh. The information on the front of the bottle clearly tells you where it’s from and wat’s it for.

Batiste Blow Dry Accelerator - my best friend after a gym session


Directions on the back tells me to shake the bottle vigariously to activate the ingredients before spraying it all over on freshly washed hair and then combing it over to make sure it’s well covered. And then just dry as normal. I usually use the low setting on my Remington hairdryer and it takes me roughly 20-30 minutes to rough dry it, depending on weather.

Batiste Blow Dry Accelerator - Does what it says!


First of all, can I say the smell of the Batiste Blow Dry Accelerator was GORGEOUS! Hubby couldn’t help sniffing my hair (in a non weird way), heck, I couldn’t get enough of the waff of sweetness everytime my hair moved. It wasn’t sickly or overpowering at all, I loved it!

So, now to the results. If you follow my Instagram, you will know it took just over 6 minutes to dry my long, thick Asian hair! I was so surprised because when products promise to save you time rather than take it from you. I am a bit sceptical!! But this actually shaved off more than the 30% they promised! Just amazing!

If you’re one of those people who hate going swimming, because you have to wash your hair afterwards – Me. Or hate washing your hair in the morning because you have to get up so much more earlier for it – Me. Or get told off for going to bed with damp hair – Me. Maybe, you just want a few more minutes of your precious day doing what you want or spending time with who you want. Then you’ve got to try this out!

Batiste Blow Dry Accelerator - Reclaim your time

Blown away – literally!

I am totally sold! So convinced that I have introduced some of my girlfriends to it and they too love it! *Girlfriends did include a long tress male. He loved it, but did say the smell was a little too girly for him.*

If you’re not sure about it, and just so happened to look for a heat protection product, why not give Batiste Blow Dry Accelerator a try? I mean, what could you lose?

Are there any other magical products that you use as well? Please share with me in the comments below!

Thanks for reading and until next time…

Love, MsMamaBean x

Family Fever3 Little Buttons

*I was provided with a free product in return for my honest review. All thoughts and opinions expressed herein are my own and not influenced by the developing company, and/or its affiliates, in anyway.


27 March 2018 at 12:33 pm

Never heard of it. Sounds like an interesting product. #dreamteam

27 March 2018 at 8:54 pm

i’ve used other company’s versions of this product & theyre a life saver in the salon – i’m going to have to try this one!

27 March 2018 at 9:07 pm

As someone with extrmely thick hair and long with big curls it takes up to 6 hours for my hair to air dry! I love how honest and in depth this product review is, I will be sure to try it out now. Thanks!

28 March 2018 at 9:29 am

I have never heard of this but it sounds like fantastic stuff. I have thick hair which takes forever to dry so I may have to give this a try.

28 March 2018 at 6:31 pm

Wow! Sounds like great stuff! I wonder if I can make an all natural alternative.. Hmmm…

28 March 2018 at 6:50 pm

man, I would’ve needed this when I had long hair!

28 March 2018 at 8:07 pm

The one product that I cannot live without is Potion9 by Sabastien. It is a great product to use if you are drying your hair with a blowdryer or naturally. It also helps keep my Native American hair smooth and straight.

31 March 2018 at 3:30 pm

Amazing – I need this! I never have enough time to dry my hair properly before a shift, so I end up just shoving in in a ponytail. Thanks for linking up with #TriedTested

2 April 2018 at 3:00 am

Wow, great review of a product I would have not wanted to try out without recommendation! I’m an air dry person normally, but sometimes you have to get your hair done in a small amount of time. #DreamTeam

Let me know what you think!

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