London / Travel / United Kingdom

Time Out Eye-Opener: Storytime on the London Eye

Hands up if you’re a Londoner and not been on the Coca-Cola London Eye. Chances are, if you’re a Londoner, you would most probably have been there, done that. However, my husband, S is one of them. He’s been living in London for over 20 years! That’s longer than the London eye has been around, which co-incidently also celebrates it’s 20th anniversary this year. Yesterday, we were invited to experience the London Eye like no other!

Time Out Eye-Opener on the London Eye. Experience The Coca-Cola London Eye like never before! Time Out arranged some unique activities in this iconic London attraction to celebrate our city and we were there to experience it.

Time Out Eye-Opener experience for little ones

In collaboration with Time Out, the team brought out a series of events in June aptly named “Time Out’s Eye-opener”. So if you visited London this month and happened to pass by clocking people in downward dog (yoga), or dressed up in drag, then let me re-assure you that this doesn’t happen very often. I, of course had to accompany my little boy there as the first attraction he recognised in London was The Eye. Yoga and drag didn’t seem too fitting for a 3 year old. So it was brilliant that the team at Time Out lined up amazing storytellers and performers especially for 0-3 year olds! The story time session by Vanessa Woolf and George Hoyle was based around music and sensory interaction combined with interesting tales inspired by London legends.

Time Out Eye-Opener on the London Eye: Storytime
An engaging and lovely storyteller involved kids from 6 months to 3 years old!
Time Out Eye-Opener on the London Eye: Storytime
Nothing makes a story become more alive than using props!

Time Out Eye-Opener on the London Eye

Our Special Journey

Our journey started at the London Eye VIP section, where there was a dedicated space to park our strollers. Personally, I think the best part of any parent’s experience at tourist attarctions is queue jumping! The lines for the London Eye are ridiculously long on any given day. Therefore I was super grateful our experience meant we didn’t have to queue for longer than 5 minutes. As we entered our private pod, we were invited to sit around our story teller or just enjoy the ride with our little ones. Our story of the day was the adorable Town Mouse and Country Mouse. There were puppets, bubbles, squeaky toys and drums coupled with sing-a-longs and the beautiful landscape of London around us.

Time Out Eye-Opener on the London Eye
Making the most of our time on the London Eye enjoying the views of London from above.
Time Out Eye-Opener on the London Eye
Our London, our city.

We couldn’t have asked for a better experience. The face on #JasperBean when I told him the session had finished:

Time Out Eye-Opener on the London Eye
Mummy, I want to go back on!!!

Thank you Time Out and Coca-Cola London Eye for a great day out.

Time Out Eye-Opener on the London Eye
Enjoying our time together, Thank you Time Out and Coca-Cola London Eye for giving us such a special memory.

Love, MsMamaBean x

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29 June 2018 at 9:02 pm

Oh this sounds amazing especiqlly the queue jumping! #ablogginggoodtime

30 June 2018 at 4:04 am

oh wow looks truly wonderful, love all the happy photos! Thank you for linking up with us #ablogginggoodtime

2 July 2018 at 9:36 pm

Looks like an amazing day! I’d love to take the girls on the London Eye…
Thanks for linking to #CoolMumClub x

Let me know what you think!

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