3 DIY Fai Chun ideas for Chinese New Year

Celebrating Chinese New Year The Chinese New Year is also known as the Spring Festival. This ancient celebration marks the end of […]

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Easy Banana and Oats Loaf Cake

Have a couple bananas that are too ripe to eat, but don’t want to waste either? Try this Easy Banana and Oats […]

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Handcrafted Ribbon Roses

January is half way through and as we’re heading towards February, Valentine’s day is just around the corner, and if you happen […]

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Control Your Finances With A DIY Spending Journal

The new year calls for new resolutions, but this year. I am not setting any.  However, I recognise there are some things […]

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48 Hours in Cardiff City Centre

Happy New Year! Last month, me and #JasperBean spent our first time away from home alone in Cardiff City Centre. We travelled […]

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Nursery Christmas Concert Gone Wrong

When was the first time your little one was cast in a Christmas Concert? How did it go? Do you think back […]

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First Cinema Experience: Tips for a Stress Free Trip to the Movies

S and I love loved going to the cinema, when we were dating and before #JasperBean came into our lives, our weekends […]

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Educational Toys Should Be Fun, Not Just Educational

When you play with your children, you probably would ask them what they want to play with. But do you stop and […]

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A Mother’s Patience and How Not To Lose It

Many a times #JasperBean has tested my patience some days, most days everyday… he would suddenly start crying and throw massive tantrums […]

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It’s Okay to Cry in Front of Your Kids

One morning, I was holding my little 2 year old #JasperBean crying non-stop. Suddenly, I felt his strong little shoulder and soothing […]

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Coraline Halloween Outfit That Requires Minimum Effort

Last week I shared with your #JasperBean’s Halloween outfit and today I wanted to share mine with you. This year halloween falls […]

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Easy Toddler Halloween Costume

Halloween is fast approaching and to be honest, I have not prepared anything. We don’t really celebrate it, but I do want […]

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Toddler Hand Luggage Essentials

I think most parents would agree that the most stressful part of any holiday is the travelling. Before we can stroll into […]

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Hiking With a Toddler: 5 Tips and Essentials Checklist

This pass holiday, me and S tried our hands on hiking. I mean proper hiking, not just strolling on a paved path […]

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Why You Should Visit Canada in 2017 and Beyond

There’s only 3 months left of 2017, so there is still time for you to visit Canada before we tick into 2018. […]

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Travel Outfit Essentials and Ideas

We are off on our next adventure and I would like to share with you my travel outfit essentials and hopefully it […]

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Quick and Easy No Sew Kindle Holder for Kids

I brought a cheap Kindle Fire for #JasperBean so that he can watch nursery rhymes etc rather than use mine or S’s […]

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Award Winning Art Afternoon Tea: Rosewood London

“There are few hours in life more agreeable than the hour dedicated to the ceremony known as afternoon tea.” The Portrait of […]

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