Europe / Travel

Discovering Rhodes

Rhodes is one of Greece’s most popular islands. With tourists flocking to enjoy it’s near perfect climate, gorgeous coastline and rich history. We decided to visit the largest of the Greek Dodecanese Islands around the May bank holiday for a shot of medieval culture and sunshine. Popular areas include Rhodes Town, Ixia, Faliraki and Lindos, and you’ll find luxury accommodation all over the island for extremely affordable prices. We stayed in the stunning Lindos Imperial Resort & Spa on the east coast in Lindos as a result of Gennadi Grand Resort not being able to open as originally planned.
Discovering Rhodes, places not to be missed.

When to visit?

Between April and October if sunshine is what you’re after. The island’s 300 days of sunshine per year and warm average sea temperatures means anytime is a good time! Rhodes enjoys a climate typical to the rest of the Mediterranean with hot, dry summers, mild winters and very little rainfall. On average, August tends to be the hottest month. We visited during the first week of May and temperatures averaged around 26-28 degrees, a very warm welcome from our London springtime.

For the History

Rhodes Town

The walled enclaved Old Town is one of the most stunning medieval cities we have visited that is still standing today and was successfully designated as a World Heritage City by UNESCO in 1988.

Old Town, Discovering Rhodes
One of many shopping streets in the medieval town of Rhodes
Megaro Castellania, Old Town. Discovering Rhodes
Megaro Castellania, Old Town.
Hippocrates Square in Old Town Rhodes.
Hippocrates Square in Old Town Rhodes.
Old Town. Discovering Rhodes
Old Town, Rhodes

We went at midday which meant it was super hot walking around the moat and inner city, but also very exciting as the buzz in the area really made discovering its local history much more enchanting. We managed to find the Streets of the Knights and Palace of the Grandmasters without any hiccups. But of course, even with meticulous planning, we got lost walking around as there was many unnamed streets that lead all directions. However, this was a sure fire way for us to get to know the locals and discover what we probably wouldn’t have come across in travel guides.

Side streets in Old Town, Discovering Rhodes
Side streets in Old Town

Tip: Beat the potentially stifling daytime heat by conducting your exploration at sunset when the white stone brickwork takes on an enchanting dark shade. However, if you’re here for the shops, get there early as we saw some shops packing up around 5pm. Altenatively, grab a seat at the many friendly restaurants for cold drinks and yummy fresh Mediterranean food.


Visiting the Acropolis in Lindos is a must for all tourists, and it definitely did not disappoint us. Sitting atop a steeped rock formation and surrounded by sea below, the beautifully preserved Acropolis of Lindos is truly breathtaking. Once on top, on one side you can look back down at the layers and layers of white flat roofed houses. Walk across to the other and you’ll be met with crystal clear sea. This is definitely one of the most beautiful walks for us in Rhodes.

Athena's Temple, Lindos Acropolis. Discovering Rhodes
Athena’s Temple
Ancient Lindos, Lindos Acropolis. Discovering Rhodes
Ancient Lindos
View on Lindos Town, halfway up to the Lindos Acropolis. Discovering Rhodes
View on Lindos Town, halfway up to the Lindos Acropolis
Walking up the stairs of Lindos Acropolis. Discovering Rhodes
Walking up the stairs of Lindos Acropolis
View of the Aegean sea from Lindos Acropolis. Discovering Rhodes
View of the Aegean sea from Lindos Acropolis

Tip: Yet, as is to be expected with such ancient ruins, the walking tracks at these sites are often steep and uneven, so we advise packing a decent pair of walking shoes.

Lindos Acropolis - wear sensible shoes. Discovering Rhodes
Sensible shoes a must when walking around Greece!

For the Beach

Rhodes is not short of long sandy beaches, so here are some of our top picks:

  • Kalathos BeachA golden sandy beach on on the south east coast of Rhodes, very popular with tourists and locals.
  • Tsambika Beach where you can find the Tsambika monastery as well as gorgeous sandy beaches. There are sunbeds and umbrellas for hire with amazingly clear water and views. Although quiet, there are many watersports as well.
  • Lindos beach A popular beach with families that again offers watersports in the clear blue Aegean sea.
  • Pefkos Beach– Not far from Lindos, is quieter and has cafes and supermarkets, a perfect area for families.
  • St. Paul’s beach – Small, but perfect for snorkelling or scuba diving.

Getting around

Diagoras airport is roughly 10 miles away from Rhodes Town and taxi fares are roughly €22. However, if you’re keen on covering more ground on your trip, definitely consider hiring a car or moped/motorbike. There are many motor rental companies on the island, so shop around for the best price or book one to pickup and dropoff at the airport. We booked our car directly from British Airways (Avis), which meant we started our adventure straight away and everything was taken care of by professionals. We also hired a GPS and carseat directly from them making our experience seamless.

Want to find out more about Rhodes? Here are 6 Places You Must Visit in Rhodes!

Thank you for joining us on our adventure and until next time…

Love, MsMamaBean x


Pink Pear Bear


29 May 2018 at 10:42 pm

This is absolutely gorgeous! Its time to take a vacation

29 May 2018 at 11:40 pm

Very information post. Never really thought about visiting Rhodes, but after reading this post I’m defiantly adding it to my list of places to visit.

29 May 2018 at 11:41 pm

wowzas 22 euros for a cab is quite a price. I’m definitely a by-foot traveler. Rhodes looks gorgeous.

30 May 2018 at 10:20 pm

Rhodes looks so beautiful. I’ve never been to Rhodes or heard of it before.

30 May 2018 at 10:41 pm

Wow, that looks amazing! My husband and I would really like to go to Europe next year (once our son is a little older), and I’m thinking we should really add Rhodes to our list of stops 🙂

    1 June 2018 at 11:46 pm

    Definitely worth giving it a go if island life is your cup of tea and you’re after days and days of sunshine! Also if you ever get sick of staring at European gothic architecture! 😜

11 June 2018 at 7:13 pm

Rhodes and Greece generally is on my bucket list. Might be more likely as my brother is moving there in July! #BigPinkLink

11 June 2018 at 8:37 pm

My folks visited Rhodes before I was born and loved the town! Its very picturesque and they love to take me back one day x #BigPinkLink x

12 June 2018 at 9:08 am

Rhodes looks and sounds amazing. #bigpinklink

17 June 2018 at 10:10 am

Absolutely loved Rhodes, it was one of our favourite places to visit and we really want to go back with the children one day. Thanks for linking up with me at the #BigPinkLink this week!

Let me know what you think!

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